Archive | February, 2011

Music Mondays… 30 day song Challenge Day 08…

28 Feb

Surprised I Made it This Far? I am!

A Song That You Know All The Words to…

Well there are so many of these, I generally learn all the words to every song I like pretty quickly…. Lyrics just come naturally to me (I used to write songs! but that’s for a future post…). I’m not really sure what I should pick… I guess it should be just another song I like enough to sing along to…. That narrows it down to just about EVERYTHING

Except Barbra Streisand, but it’s not exactly hard to get the lyrics to that song!! What’s it again? Barbra Streisand? Oh and Oooohh NEVER forget the OOOOOOH!!!

Anyway my current favourite song!!!!

Warning for those with photosensitive epilepsy… flashing lights… Oh god I love it!!

All of the Lights – Kanye West

Big Fat Bass…

28 Feb

Can’t wait for this!!

Big Fat Bass – & Britney Spears!

Music Makes me Lose Control…

27 Feb

Day 7 – A Song That Reminds You of a Certain Event…

Low – Flo Rida

Heres the story….

A long long time ago… I was picking a friend up from work. Myself and her sister went and picked her up in my car and we decided do get something in the McDonalds drive thru. I’m gonna say it was Ice-cream because I have a feeling it was summer! Anyway my friend (lets call her Horny) Horny was in a really bad mood and didn’t want to do anything. She just wanted to go home and shower and wallow in self pity….

Her sister (Lets call her Hyperbole, see if you can guess why) however had different plans and launched into an extremely dramatic story which I can’t remember but the basic premise was that their cousin (We’ll call her McCormal) was an absolute “EMOTIONAL WRECK” and Myself, Horny and Hyperbole NEEDED to go and visit her IMMEDIATELY…

So the conversation went on and we discussed other irrelevant things as we sat in the McDonalds car park listening to the radio, eating our Ice-cream/Chicken Nuggets/whatever it was we were eating. Horny continued to moan and express her negative mental attitude while Hyperbole and Myself talked about the happier things in life sunshine lollipops rainbows etc. we sang along to the radio and had an all round good time.


Just to add a bit of background to the story the above song was Myself and Horny’s favourite song at the time.

1. I sometimes have this problem where if someone is talking to me or I’m talking and there’s music that I like on in the background my attention automatically focuses on the music 100% and I can’t hear what the person in front of me is saying or I completely lose my train of thought…

2. McCormal lives outside the county so it’s a bit of a drive and I was only driving I’d say about 4 months so I needed a more experienced driver with me by law (for the most part I didn’t have one when I was just driving locally). Horny was that necessary experienced driver so she was essential to Hyperboles plan, we couldn’t just drop Horny home and then just go by ourselves.

Also I had a bit of a thing for McCormal at this time which I think was factored into Hyperbole’s plans, she knew I’d have enough sympathy for McCormal to drive accross the country* for her!!

So the conversation whent on we finished whatever it was we were eating and Hyperbole kept on at Horny begging and begging her to come to McCormal’s telling her that she was ruining everyones day and that it was her RESPONSIBILITY to make sure all parties involved were happy (or something along those lines). At this point it occurred to me that I really hadn’t been asked whether I wanted to go and it was just expected of me! So I began

“Hang on… Did you think just because you said McCormal was an APPLE!…” the radio continued… bottom jeans, boots with the fur…

You may have gathered I intended to say an emotional wreck and continue to make my point that I wasn’t about to drop everything and rush over there for her (I was). Myself and Hyperbole broke into hyserical laughter for about 10 minutes! Horny found it very hard to stay in a bad mood after that.

We went to see McCormal (She was as happy as Larry, nowhere close to an emotional wreck. I think she had just mentioned to Hyperbole that she had nothing to do and wouldn’t mind some company).

We had a really fun time for the rest of the day! We still laugh about that story to this day (Horny definitely sees the funny side now…)

Hyperbole is moving to Australia next week for a YEAR!! this post is dedicated to her!! I wish her well and I hope she never forgets about this story!!! Have an AMAZING exaggerated time!! See your soon!

*I did not have to drive accross the country, but exaggeration is key to the story!